Speaking frankly but fairly

Vol. 18 No. 4 September 1998

Let’s get this clear! This journal publishes a range of views. Anything printed in Homoeopathica is not necessarily the view of the editor or of the New Zealand Homoeopathic Society.

Publication here is not a form of endorsement; articles may very well express ideas far removed from my own (for example the piece by Frederica Gladwin in the last issue was to show Kent’s concept of an intercurrent remedy) but are given room in a spirit of tolerance and a wish to prevent attacks on positions improperly understood. This is a forum, not a pulpit or an arena for smart-alecky debate. The general thrust of the magazine is to advance Hahnemannian homoeopathy; for this reason articles appear pointing out departures from the methods of Hahnemann and Bcenninghausen. It does not mean that people practising or teaching other varieties of homoeopathy are all fools or rogues.

I make the bold assertion as a personal conviction that a return to the concepts of Hahnemann on the choice of remedy is needed; others may disagree, but I wish that in stating their objections they are careful to choose language directing their disagreement at facts and ideas, not people.

Bruce Barwell