Vol. 18 No. 4 September 1998
by A. H. Grimmer
Some of the symptoms met with were the result of poisoning, as in snake bite, one of which is recorded under Toxicophis pugnax – the moccasin snake – in Clarke’s Dictionary, page 1448.
After the bite of this serpent, if the victim lives, symptoms of pain and fever recur annually at exactly the same period for many years, with decreasing intensity each year. In one case the pain spread to other parts after some years. The right leg became painful and rapidly swollen, and for several years the pain was confined to the knee of the injured limb.
After a few years it left the knee and seized the hip and finally attacked the shoulder. Note the chronic nature extending over several years, the direction of the symptoms from below, upward, and the exact periodicity of complaints. All these present a definite key in the treatment of related complaints.
One such case continued to have an annual recurrence of symptoms of severe pain, without swelling, at precisely the same time of the year, for a period of 18 years afterwards.
A case of rectal sarcoma
A case of sarcoma of the rectum in a five-year-old boy was cured with this remedy. The tumour was painless but grew rapidly before the intervention of the remedy Toxicophis 30c. The child presented only a few symptoms, the most marked being a persistent nocturnal enuresis, which also was cured with the same remedy.
The general symptoms of toxæmia and apathy were present, complexion dark with a peculiar cachectic aspect. The child remains well after nearly three years.
Another case of sarcoma
In another case of sarcoma of the tibia and fibula, this remedy was one of a series of four that restored the patient to health. A boy aged nine; father had had a severe syphilitic infection prior to marriage, treated homœopathically for an insufficient period.
The patient, the oldest of a family of four, was the only unhealthy member. He first started with an iritis, which was treated at North-western Medical Clinic, until the child was almost totally blind. Kali bichromicum in several potencies cleared up the iritis and dissolved the scar over the pupils, restoring perfect vision as well as improving the general health for a while.
About a year later the boy was brought back to me with enlarged and ulcerating cervical glands, one of which had been surgically treated, but other glands becoming involved, I was asked to treat the case again. Natrum silico-fluoricum 1M and 10M was given at long intervals, and the glands of the neck entirely healed for a time but began discharging again in about three months.
This time Nat. Sil-fl 50M was given but with very little benefit. A new condition developed, involving both bones of the right leg, with extreme pain and swelling over a localised area in the centre of the tibial bone. X-ray revealed a sarcoma involving both bones.
Over the blood the remedy Toxicophis came through. [I think this means a dowsing technique was used – Ed]. This was given in the 30c with immediate relief of both the adenitis and the pain and swelling of the leg. Later Toxicophis 200c was given with complete relief of all existing symptoms, but swelling and pain soon began in the other leg, which did not subside under a higher potency of Toxicophis.
This demanded a new remedy, which was Merc. iod. cum Kali iod, a double salt of Mercury and Iodine, with only a fragmentary proving. This remedy was given in the 10M, three doses at intervals of from six to eight weeks, and entirely restored this boy to health. The last dose was given March 10, 1930, and he has remained well during the past six months.
A case of progressively osteoneuritis
A case of continuous, progressively destructive osteoneuritis in a 50 year old man, was cured by a few doses of Toxicophis 30c and 200c potencies.
First, catch your snake
When I first applied to Mr Ehrhart for this remedy, I was surprised to learn that he did not have it, but he promised to get it for me. This he was unable to do, however, after trying both American and European pharmacies.
I decided that, if necessary, I would take a trip to Florida, where these snakes abound, to procure some of this virus, but was saved the trip by a relative who lived in Florida.
He procured for me a fine specimen and sent the head in alcohol to Mr. Ehrhart, who extracted the virus with a close call to himself, accidentally pricking his finger on one of the fangs above the poison sac. His prompt action in cutting the wound and applying an antidote doubtless saved him serious trouble.
Mercurius iodatus cum Kali iodato
Merc iod cum Kali iod (double iodide of Mercury and Potassium, chemical formula HgI2 2KI), is a far more valuable, powerful and broader remedy than Hale ever dreamed of or that one might glean from the fragmentary proving recorded in Clarke’s Dictionary, page 459.
Its first and acute manifestations are on the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eyes and respiratory tract. Hale recommends it for the treatment of inveterate colds and Clarke confirms that experience. Clarke says it may be used where indications for the three elements of this salt are present. Cooper commends it in acute facial paralysis resulting from cold.
J. R. Haynes praises its curative effects in many cases of catarrhal influenza, and he further says that if it does not quickly relieve and permanently cure there is no use to repeat it. This wonderful remedy has many times complemented and finished cases after the favourable action of Toxicophis.
It is among our most powerful anti-syphilitic remedies and strongly related to tuberculosis and sarcoma. In the terrible continuous, crushing pains that sometime accompany deep sarcomatous growths or those involving the bony structures, this is my most reliable help, often completely relieving for long periods. It has the nightly aggravations common to mercury and syphilis.
It has cured catarrhal complaints of a very chronic nature, also nasal polypus. It should be a wonderful sinus remedy as well as a valuable remedy in certain rheumatic states, arthritis, neuritis, and all painful complaint < at night and resisting other remedies. The Midwest Homœopathic News Journal, December 1930